A Day With Daddy, by Tom Sullivan (11/6/87)
About the earliest interesting incident involving Helen that I recall was an afternoon in Garfield Park.
We lived on Fillmore Street and it was probably a mile walk to the park. Mother usually took care of Helen and me while Father was at work, and on weekends he had projects around the house which kept him busy. One Saturday, however, he announced he was going to take the children to Garfield park and Mother could just stay at home and take it easy.
Mother got us ready for the big event, I was about seven years old and Helen about two. She was in a stroller. When we got to the park Father sat down on a hill about ten feet high which overlooked the lagoon. At the bottom of the hill was a sidewalk and then the water. While he was on the bench I decided to push the stroller a bit. The grass was rough and I lost control -- the stroller and Helen going down the hill and into the water. It wasn't deep and when it hit the water the wheels stuck and Helen was pitched in head first. Father meanwhile had taken off after her as soon as he saw what was happening. He was in the water seconds after Helen hit it and fished her out with no harm, except --
Her nice clothes were a mess, Father's trousers and shoes were wringing wet and I was bawling in expectation of what was going to happen to me for ruining the outing. Somehow we got home, I don't remember the trip but I'm sure it wasn't pleasant, and Father had to face Mother and explain what had happened to his charges. I don't remember him volunteering again.
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